QualiBra Advanced
QualiBra Advanced combines the supreme QualiBra postoperative breast support with a unique version of the QualiBreath sternum and thorax support.
- General
Distinctive benefits of QualiBra Advanced:
- Less pain
- weight strain on the sternal sutures and wound are eliminated - Less wound complications
- heat and moisture generation is prevented
- the sternal wound is kept dry and free of excess breast tissue - More aesthetic wound healing
- squeezing and deformation of the sternal wound between breasts is avoided and promotes a nicer wound healing - Breast support maintained during wound care
- open the upper front closure and keep the underbust band closed - Women’s dignity preserved - the breasts remain covered during wound care
In addition, QualiBra Advanced provides:
- Continuous lateral sternum support - Potentially prevents complications such as deep sternal wound infections and dehiscence
- Pain control during coughing, sneezing, respiratory exercises - facilitates additional lateral chest support when needed
- Integrated pockets in the chest band on each side of the sternum - allows the patient to place her thumbs or fingers inside to effectively manage additional pain
- Designed to meet the needs of women with arthritis in their hands - even if the joints of the hands are affected by arthritis, the pockets can be used effortlessly for extra support
- Less pain