S16 Stationary Vision Screener
Being our 3rd generation plusoptiX Vision Screeners are supported by an impressive list of testimonials and published validation studies. It is designed to screen for refractive error, anisocoria and strabismus in children starting at age 6 months.
Because it's so easy to use it's used by pediatricians, school nurses and Lions clubs alike. Vision Screening can be performed in any child because the only compliance needed is a short fixation of the camera. This fixation is provoked by a specially designed sound target, called a "warble" sound.
- Features
- Procedure
- Results
- Documentation
- Testimonials
- Studies
Features at a glance
- Proven accuracy
- Both eyes are screened simultaneously
- Screening is performed from 3.3 feet (1 meter) away
- A "pass" or "refer" screening result is displayed automatically
- Screening takes 0.8 Seconds
- Full range documentation options
Screening procedure
Performing a screening is simple, takes less than one second and can be performed by non-medical staff or volunteers. Start the camera by pulling the trigger, a sound attracts attention, capture both eyes in the white rectangle on screen and a measurement is performed automatically. Screening distance is 3.3 feet (1 meter) with a tolerance of +-2 inches (+- 5 centimeters). Screening results are displayed on screen immediately.
Refraction, pupil sizes and corneal reflexes are measured and compared to age based referral criteria automatically. Referral criteria are:
- Anisometropia - compares refraction of both eyes
- Astigmatism - checks corneal irregularities
- Hyperopia - checks farsightedness
- Myopia - checks nearsightedness
- Corneal reflexes - checks symmetric eye alignment
- Anisocoria - compares pupil sizes of both eyes
If readings are within limits, a "pass" screening result is displayed. If one or more of the readings are outside of limits, a "refer" screening result is displayed. Screening results are displayed on screen immediately after a measurement is completed.
Screening documentation
Vision Screener plusoptiX S09 saves patient data and screening results in the internal database automatically. This database enables you to review all previous measurements of one child in a chronological order. For paper records or as a handout for parents, you are able to print the following documents:
- a self adhesive label
- a screen shot
- a screening result
If your office uses Electronic Medical Records (EMR), you are able to connect the device to your computer network and import patient data and export screening results directly to your EMR.
When used in a pediatric or family practice, photoscreening with the S09 is reimbursable using CPT code 99174. In cases where insurance does not reimburse, most parents are comfortable paying and additional charge for this important service.
Lions Programs
The Indiana Lions KidSight vision screeners like how easy the PlusOptix unit is to use compared to earlier screening devices. As the Program Coordinator, I love the accuracy of the results.
Janice Chapman, Program Coordinator, Indiana Lions KidSightThe Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation has been using the Plusoptix vision screening since its inception. We own six instruments and are extremely pleased with the results. We screen approximately 40,000 children a year. The screening process with the Plusoptix is quick, non-invasive and non- threatening to the children we screen and gives 98% accuracy results. Our referral rate, which we have tracked, has been about 98-99% accurate and we have had many comments from eye care specialist stating that the results of the test were very exact to what they found upon examination. The Plusoptix is a efficient, accurate easy way to screen children for multiple vision problems which could lead to amblyopia.
Tamara Oberbeck RN COMT, Vision Screening Program Manager, Missouri Lions Eye Research FoundationPlusoptix has made it possible with their superior product & unparalleled training & support for the Lions of MD 17-I to finally be able to serve the communities in our district with professional vision screening. The best thing about Plusoptix is this isn't a job for them it is their passion. Thank you for being the upstanding & principled company you are.
PDG Marilyn Sorensen, Kansas Lions MD17-IThe Wyoming Lions Early Childhood Vision Project uses the PlusOptix System, in large part, because of its ease of use by laypersons, and its portability. The eye care professionals involved with the project appreciate its validity, and accurate measurements. Parents enjoy receiving an immediate result.
Rebecca Allen Christensen, Project Coordinator, Wyoming Lions Early Childhood Vision ProjectI have been working with PlusOptix since January of 2007. We Alaska Lions took delivery of our first 5 vision screeners then. I have always been more than impressed with the function and reliability of the PlusOptix. Our screening time per patient went from 3 to 5 minutes (if we could even get a result) with the MTI to seconds now. Because of this quickness we can now even do the ever-moving infant. What was once an all day, laborious job is now a fun, happy time appreciated by all. Both the patient and the screener leave with no feelings of stress and are full of confidence that the results are accurate and precise.
Esther L. West, District 49A 1st Vice District Governor, MD 49 LCIF Chairman"Thousands of Alaskan children- from cities to remote villages- have been screened with Plusoptix photoscreeners since 2005 leading to hundreds having their amblyopia detected early enough to cure the vision impairment. For this reason, long before any reimbursement, the Alaska Blind Child Discovery has invested in over 30 units for a state of only 700,000 population. We are excited that insurance companies are recognizing the validity of Plusoptix photoscreening using CPT code 99174, and hope many more American children will enjoy the sight-saving benefits.
Robert W. Arnold, MD, Alaska Blind Child Discovery -
Abstracts and full text can be found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
Binocular Vision & Pediatric Eye/Vision Screening: Referral Criteria for PediaVisionPlusOptix S04 Photoscreener Second Quarter of 2007 Strabismus Quarterly© Compared to Visual Acuity & Digital Photoscreening:“Kindergarten Computer Photoscreening” Volume 22 (No.2) Pages 83-89: A Medical Scientific E-Periodical M.M. Clausen, BA and R.W. Arnold, MD
Optimisation of Threshold Parameter For Non-Cycloplegic Refraction Screening With The Visionscreener: Poster Presentation at ESA 2007, Mykonos, Greece: Dept. of Ophthalmology, Ludwig Maximilians University Germany: O. Ehrt, R Strauss
Off-Label Use Of The Visioncreener (R) To Detect Small Angle Strabismus: Poster Presentation at ESA 2007, Mykonos, Greece: Dept. of Ophthalmology, Ludwig Maximilians University Germany: R. W. Strauss, O. Ehrt
Screening for amblyogenic refractive errors with the VisionScreener in a paediatricians’ population: Presentation on MD Thesis ESA 2008, Munich, Germany: Eye Hospital of Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich: A. Joost, S. Kirchhoff, O. Ehrt
Performance of the Plusoptix vision screener for the detection of amblyopia risk factors in children: J AAPOS 2008;12:490-492: Noelle S. Matta, CO, CRC, COT, Eric L. Singman, MD, PhD, and David I. Silbert, MD, FAAP
Field testing of the plusoptiX S04 photoscreener: J AAPOS 2009;13:51-57: Brian W. Arthur, MD, FRCSC, Rehan Riyaz, MD, Sylvia Rodriguez, MD, and Jonathan Wong, MD
Vision screening in children by Plusoptix Vision Screener compared with gold-standard orthoptic assessment: doi:10.1136/bjo.2008.138115 Br. J. Ophthalmol. 2009; 93;342-345; originally published online 19 Nov 2008; A H Dahlmann-Noor, K Vrotsou, V Kostakis, J Brown, J Heath, A Iron, S McGill and A J Vivian
Comparison Between the plusoptiX and MTI Photoscreeners: Arch Ophthalmol. 2009;127(12):1591-1595: Noelle S. Matta, CO, CRC, COT; Robert W. Arnold, MD; Eric L. Singman, MD, PhD; David I. Silbert, MD
Performance of the plusoptiX S04 photoscreener for the detection of amblyopia risk factors in children aged 3 to 5: J AAPOS 2010;14:147-149: Noelle S. Matta, CO, CRC, Eric L. Singman, MD, PhD, and David I. Silbert, MD, FAAP
Modification of Plusoptix referral criteria to enhance sensitivity and specificity during pediatric vision screening: JAAPOS Volume 15 Number 6 / December 2011: Niraj R. Nathan, BA, and Sean P. Donahue, MD, PhD